Good Afternoon! We are in the middle of doing our school work which means I have one kid throwing a fit, one getting in everyone's business, one waking from a nap as another goes down for their nap, a frustrated 3rd grader and a kindergartener playing ABCMouse.
At this point in the day I have improperly baked two loaves of bread, shoveled cow patties into our garden, and milked 4 goats with my husband. I am certainly tired and homeschooling is not always something I am excited about.
I am not always patient when I've explained the same thing over again for the tenth time.
I'm not always patient when the tablet freezes for the 5th time.
I'm not patient in general. Patience is certainly a virtue that I lack and really need to work on.
However, I know that this is the best option for our family. I am blessed to be a stay-at-home mom. Steven works hard to provide all that we need and it is my job to ensure that the resources he provides are dutifully cared for and allocated properly. This includes our childrens' education even though it would be WAY easier to ship them off to public school.
Our world is spinning out of control and it is not my job to battle it all on the front lines. Instead, I am tasked with bringing up the future warriors and caregivers of the world. This is no small job when you see the confusion, degredation, and depravity happening all around us. I must bring them up in virtues that not even I possess. I must solidify their faith and moral compass in a way that will not be shaken when they are out of my care for any reason or when they are older. Their education must be well rounded so they may find success both socially and practically. Oh! And I have to do all of this while baking bread, washing dishes, doing laundry, beautifying our home, and caring for animals! Whew!
This is an immense responsibility and though it is nowhere near perfect, I know that my teaching is going to protect and guide in the way that God intended.
Children are a gift to guard and guide. Their minds are easily molded and taught, so it is imperative that parents are the ones doing the molding and teaching. We can not leave it up to others if we can help it.
Now, I understand that we are extremely blessed to be able to keep our kids home and only have one working parent. Though this is a possibility for many, I know it is not the reality for all and that public schools and even private schools provide the best education that a parent can offer while they are stuck working to make ends meet. (The culture of working long hours is a topic for another day)
It is important though to realize that there is no substitute for a parent. There may be many resources out there but if the parents aren't shaping their children, society will and society is not exactly a beacon of light right now. We must fill our children with experience, knowledge, love, and sunshine! Our children are not just books to fill with facts but flowers that must be grown with lots of sunshine and nurturing! Public school may try to provide some of this but they will always fall short. This is why I homeschool. I am busy, tired, and often times overwhelmed and stressed. I have very few virtues. I am not a saint by any means. However, there is no one that can hug, teach, or love my children like my husband and I can. No matter the struggle, at home we will always be together.