The story of most Traditional Catholics (or TradCaths) is the same. They were either raised Catholic in the Novus Ordo or they converted from another faith.
We, at some point, all fell away, if only for a moment, and then a terrific grace lands upon us and we come back home.
At first, we enjoy the feast of the prodigal son. Everything is joy and wonder and our cups overfloweth with excitement over our conversion. We DIVE into all things Catholic. We change our Twitter handles and our profile picture becomes a picture of our favorite saint.
Then, comes the snare left out for us by Satan. We learn about the troubles with the clergy. We find a YouTuber who tells us abou the filth and corruption and the smoke of Satan. We read articles about prophecy. We read articles about corrupt bishops and priests. We read articles picking apart everything the Pope says and people arguing back and forth as to whether or not he's a heretic.
So, here's our crossroads. Do we pick up our swords and rush into the fight against the heretics? Do we spend all day, every day, waging a never ending war against priests we hate while venerating priests that agree with us? Do we take fillial correction and use it as a cudgel?
OR do we take up the cross? Do we do nothing to help the healing of the Church? Do we let the sickness and the rot destroy the faith of billions?
I'm going to recommend a middle of the road approach that hopefully helps everyone. And I believe that Our Lady has already given us the tools to live out a good life.
When we pray the Rosary, we have 15 decades that we pray (or 20, if you add in the Luminous, but I'm sticking with 15 for the suggestion). Of those 15, only 5 of them are sorrowful. We start with 5 Joyful, then 5 Sorrowful, then 5 Glorious.
My suggestion is simple. We take the same approach to our faith and our conversations about our faith. When talking to someone about the Faith, spend 2/3's of your time talking about joy and glory. Then, you can spend 1/3 of your time talking about the problems.
If you have a Podcast or a YouTube chanel or a blog or whatever, try to spend only 1/3 of your time talking about sorrows.
There are a LOT of great stories about the Saints out there that we don't even talk about anymore. It's all heresy this and end of the world that; politics this and politics that.
So, please take this modest proposal to heart. Follow the guidance of Our Lady and, yes, do talk about the sorrows and how we can fix them, but don't FOCUS on those sorrows. You'll find yourself converting more souls by follower HER example than by following the fire and brimstone example.
Here at, we're going to MOSTLY focus on the joy and glory, through laughter. We also know that other groups will focus entirely on the sorrows.
Hopefully, your media consumption will be a good 2/3's happy and 1/3 sad balance.